Andhra Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Modernisation fund used
Spend on police per person
Spend on training per personnel
Share of training budget in police budget
Training budget utilization
Share of women in police
Share of women in officers
SC officers, actual to reserved ratio
SC constables, actual to reserved ratio
ST officers, actual to reserved ratio
ST constables, actual to reserved ratio
OBC officers, actual to reserved ratio
OBC constables, actual to reserved ratio
Officers, vacancy
Cadre staff, vacancy
Correctional staff, vacancy
Medical staff, vacancy
Medical officers, vacancy
Personnel trained
Prison occupancy
Jails with V-C facility
Undertrials detained for 1-3 years
Inmates (admitted) availed educational course
Inmates (admitted) availed vocational training
Share of jails with 100% and more occupancy
Share of jails with 150% and more occupancy
Population per High Court judge
Population per sub. court judge
High Court judge vacancy
Sub. court judge vacancy
High Court staff vacancy
Women judges (High Court)
Women judges (sub. court)
SC judges, actual to reserved (sub. court)
ST judges, actual to reserved (sub. court)
OBC judges, actual to reserved (sub. court)
Cases pending (5-10 years) (sub. court)
Cases pending (10+ years) (sub. court)
Average High Court pendency
Average sub. court pendency
Case clearance rate (High Court)
Case clearance rate (sub. court)
Cases pending (5-10 years) (High Court)
Cases pending (10+ years) (High Court)
Cases pending (per High Court judge), trends
Cases pending (per sub. court judge), trends
Total cases pending (High Court), trends
Total cases pending (sub. court), trends
Judge vacancy (High Court), trends
Judge vacancy (sub. court), trends
Case clearance rate (High Court), trends
Case clearance rate (sub. court), trends
Difference in spend: judiciary vs state, trends
Unlike the 25 ranked states, there are 3 states and all union territories that have not been
ranked in IJR. While they don’t have any ranking data, use the side bar to see indicator-wise
performance, across the pillars and themes, for these state and union territories.