Andhra Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Officers, vacancy
Cadre staff, vacancy
Correctional staff, vacancy
Medical staff, vacancy
Medical officers, vacancy
Personnel trained
Prison occupancy
Jails with V-C facility
Undertrials detained for 1-3 years
Inmates (admitted) availed educational course
Inmates (admitted) availed vocational training
Share of jails with 100% and more occupancy
Share of jails with 150% and more occupancy
This page shows data for all IJR indicators, organized by pillar and theme. The visualisation
below shows how the cluster of 18 large and mid-sized states fare on the chosen indicator,
across all 3 IJRs. States ranked 1-6 for the indicator are shown in blue, those ranked 7-12 in light
green and those ranked 13-18 in light brown. The table shows the indicator value as well as the
raw data used to calculate it.
Use the sort feature to sort any column in ascending or descending order. Use the filter feature
in the first two columns to compare states or see results for only one IJR. To know more about
the indicator, click on the ‘i’ button next to the indicator name. Use the side bar and indicator
dropdown to navigate to other indicators across pillars and themes.
Pillar: Prisons
Theme: Infrastructure
IJRs: 3
Formula: Number of jails with 150% & more occupancy / Total jails * 100
Benchmark: 0%
Scoring guide: Lower, the better
Latest period/date: 2022
Latest data source: e-Prisons portal
IJR 3: 1. The e-prisons website does not provide capacity of the 5 prisons in Manipur. But as per PSI, these 5 prisons are not overcrowded, and hence we have assumed no jail is overcrowded. 2. The e-prisons website does not provide capacity of the 4 prisons in Lakshadweep. But as per PSI, these have an occupancy of 8%, and hence we have assumed no jail is overcrowded.
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